Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

When Toddler Start to Experience Computer

With flexible fingers play the mouse to unlock features performance of computer program. Every now and then he pressed the keyboard to write letters and numbers .
Toddler and Computer
Toddler and Computer

Although there are pros and cons about computer use by toddlers, but we can see the positive values of this computer things, beside it can accelerate toddlers to familiarize letters, also he used to take advantage of advanced technology in early age. Then we'll want to identify the needs of children and toddlers and try to select the programs that benefit them. Also we need keep in mind, toddlers should be pleased with its activities. So no need to focus on Our desire for them to master the programs we offered .

Play and Learn. While playing the computer, toddler easier ferreting simple math program with images and color. This way is necessary to make a toddler like math and calculation things. Toddlers can learn to read through a variety of computer programs that many in the market now. Guided worth using this technology in order to develop a wide range of skills. But behind the positive values earlier, It remain aware of the downside of this kind of technology. Toddlers can be addicted to playing games to forget time, forget eating, or other physical activity and become lazy. This is definitely not healthy. 
So then here the ideas of how to choose a program that can make a good impacts for Toddlers and Children when they are start to experience computers:
  • Make it appropriate for toddlers. He was interested in simple math, for example the introduction of shapes, numbers and letters.
  • Interactive and encourage children that they can play together with their friends.
  • Allows toddler drawing and coloring. We can print the picture and making it a book. They would be proud of his work .

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

Winter Creative Activities for Toddlers

Winter comes early and relatively cold this year in all over the world. But having fun with our children and toddler must be going on as one of step of early age education process for them. Of course all of the Winter creative activities aims for toddlers must be to give them positive values in their early ages.
Winter creative activities for Toddlers
Winter creative activities for Toddlers

Many activities come in mind if winter come, like playing snow in the garden or so, but here Edutoddler team, come up with idea how about making winter crafts. Cited from Babble site, winter craft is one of a perfect way to celebrate this year cold winter.

Here are several ideas about Winter creative activities for toddlers :

1. Making Puffy Snowfalkes
Snow Flakes Craft
Snow Flakes Craft
Kids will love using a flour mixture in a dish soap bottle to paint fun snowflake designs. Make them puffy by heating them in the microwave!

2.  Making Pom Pom Snowman
Pom Pom Snowman Craft
Pom Pom Snowman Craft
 Kids can create pom poms for the base, then decorate their snowman with their favorite embellishments.

3. Making Paint Stick SnowMan
Paint Stick SnowMan Craft
Paint Stick SnowMan Craft
Use paint and fabric scraps to turn paint sticks into winter characters - make several and act out a puppet show.

4. Making Pretty Gloves Toys
Glove Toys
Glove Toys
Have a collection of extra gloves without mates? Kids can turn them into fun characters with hand sewing.

5. Making Handprint Tree
Handprint Tree Craft
Handprint Tree Craft

Let kids paint a winter scene, then add a handprint tree and decorate.

For more information how about to make these kind of craft you can visit the Beeble website here

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

Tips Before Preschoolers Going To Kindergarten

Like the new comer to preliminary school or higher one, there is a new experience and also extra attention for new student that must be prepared before they entering new 'school' so the new environment can be more friendly for them. 

Welcome To Kindergarten
Welcome To Kindergarten
Similar to that condition, preschoolers (children and toddlers) who are heading to kindergarten often need some extra attention. Preschoolers are pretty smart about these transitions and sense the unpredictability of going to a new classroom. Often they wonder about making friends and getting used to a new teacher or other question that might be questioned and worried by parents like, will they be able to find the bathroom, where will they eat snack, how they treat their other friends? and so on.

Here we summarize a few tips from Health Harvard Blog for you parents before you send your beloved children and toddlers to Kindergarten :
  1. Try to do some play therapy at home. Small figures, stuffed animals, or puppets will do. Have your “actors” experience a transition to a new place. Don’t forget to “act out” coping strategies, for example, “Mr. Elephant feels scared. So what can he do? Maybe he could tell his teacher!”
  2. Talk about the transition to your child or toddlers in a positive way and try not to let your own anxiety about the change show too much.
  3. Visit the school as soon as you can. If your school offers visiting days, do your best to have your child attend. If your child’s kindergarten provides a daily schedule of activities ahead of time, go over it with your son or daughter. Take photos of the school, the classroom, and the new teacher, if possible.
  4. See if you can find out some of your child’s new classmates, and set up a play date. Some schools offer playground dates for incoming kindergarteners.
  5. Role play as much as you can (dramatic play is very important to help preschoolers learn how to accept change and how to begin new roles).
  6. Tell your child how you felt when you had to go to kindergarten—and what made you feel better and how it turned out okay (that is if you can remember!)
  7. Ask your child’s siblings to tell her/him about their experience.
  8. Remind your child “It’s okay to be afraid. But, you’ll feel better each day that you’re there. Lots of kids feel just like you do.” It can be tempting to try to brush off a child’s fear (after all, you know it will be okay). Instead try to acknowledge your child’s fear as real and appropriate while offering reassurance.
  9. Preschoolers need to feel that their parents believe how they feel is true.
  10. Give your child time to talk to you about their fears.
  11. With your child, write a story about his or her first day at kindergarten (with your child as the main character!) Include logistics, feelings, etc.
  12. Read to your child about starting kindergarten. Some good choices are The Night Before Kindergarten (Reading Railroad Books) Paperback, by illustrators Natasha Wing and Julie Durrel; Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten, written by Joseph Slate and illustrated by Ashley Wolff; Kindergarten Rocks! by Katie Davis; Look out Kindergarten, Here I Come! by Nancy Carlson; and I Am Too Absolutely Small for School (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child.

Minggu, 10 November 2013

Singapore Preschool Education Method

Nowdays we are become more free to decide which one that preschool education method best for our children and toddler. Today i will explain about one of modern method of studying for children and toddler aged under five. The method is Singapore Preschool Method.
Modern Singapore Preschool Method
Modern Preschool

For other Preschool method, including Montessori, Waldorf, and Regia Preschool Method, you can read and learn more from this articles below:

Learn More About Preschool Choices for Helping Parents


What is The Singapore Preschool Method?

Singapore Preschool Method is the preschool approach that center for the sake of children or toddler. The Classrom and environment that support this kind of Preschool Method designed to be so, when preschoolers arrived at school, so they want to rush for begin the activities, learning something new, and of course learn more about experiment and creativity. Inside the classroom there is one important place, that so called the Learning Corner. While the preschoolers in free time, they may play and make the creative activity in the Learning Corner that they want and pleased for them. From there the Teacher from this Singapore Preschool Method can see the children and toddler interest, potential, and their talent that in future must be developed.

How The Singapore Preschool Method Works?

The Multiple Howard Gardner's intelligences to be taught in this Singapore Preschool education approach. Howard Gardner introduced eight intelligences that human can achieve, they are :
  1. The Musical Intelligence
  2. The Logic-Mathematical Intelligence
  3. Kinesthetic Intelligence
  4. Intrapersonal Intelligence
  5. Interpersonal Intelligence
  6. Visual - Spatial Intelligence
  7. Naturalistic Intelligence
  8. Verbal - Linguistic Intelligence
  9. Existential Intellegence
For example, the Musical intelligence can be improved by introducing some songs and musical instruments for children and toddler. Logical-Mathematical intelligence can be trained by inviting the preschoolers to use logic to solve some problems, like calculating the number of their friends. Kinesthetic Intelligence can be trained by inviting the children and toddler for make some move like dancing, do sports and playing some games. Intrapersonal intelligence can be stimulated by let the children and toddler make some story or speaking in front their friends. And the last is the Interpersonal intelligence can be improved by taught the preschoolers to behave unselfish, respectful, caring, kind, for others and their environment.  
Singapore Preschool Method
Singapore Preschool Method

Another methods to be taught to this Singapore Preschool Method is the approach of the Project (Project-Based System). Preschoolers were separated into some groups and asked to answer or find some solution about some project according to certain topics. For instance, the project about 'Brain', We let the children and toddler argue or commenting whatever about the 'Brain'. And then let ask them deeply about that topic. The aims of this method are trying to stimulate children and toddler to express their opinions and desires. At the of the project they can make the vary creative things associated to the 'Brain' topic.

In this Singapore Preschool Education method, the curriculum put the teacher as a facilitator. Beside their professionalty, they should be warm, care, respect, understanding the preschoolers, and poitive thinking towards children and toddler. Parental support is of course very important. The involvement of parents very important at Family day to support the children and toddler.

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

Learn More About Preschool Choices for Helping Parents

Many parents have a number of options when it comes to preschool choices and can wind up apprehensive and confounded endeavoring to find the “right” one.  Primary care clinicians may be asked to weigh in on this paramount decision but themselves can be unfamiliar with the different approaches now available.  To avail, here is a very brief primer of some of the prevailing approaches.

Which preschool is the best one?
Which preschool is the best one?

Preschool Choices - Montessori, Regio Emilia, Waldorf, Traditional


Montessori Preschool Education Approach


The Montessori approach emanates from Dr. Maria Montessori: one of Italy’s first female pedagogy.  Her initial school opened in 1907. The general approach accentuates self-motivated learning rather than heedfully listening to teacher lessons.  The curriculum includes practical life skills and sensory edification in integration to language. More unique components include multi-age classrooms and “self-correcting” learning materials (that can be used one way).  There may be more children per edifier than in a Reggio program to facilitate peer learning and there typically is less accentuation on imaginative or symbolic play.

Read more about Montessori here :
Montessori School Program - Preschool Education
Who Is Montesorri and What Kind of Education is it?
 Home Schooling an Montessori Education Approach

Regio Amelia Preschool Education Approach


The Reggio Emilia Approach emanates from a diminutive town in northern Italy that was noted to have particularly excellent schools.  Its worldwide appeal is more recent than other models, gaining popularity since the 1990s. The approach accentuates relationships, community, collaboration, and self-inspired learning designed to harness a child’s inner potential.  There again is less priority on teacher driven lesson.  The environment is thought of as a “third teacher” and may resemble Montessori schools scarcely with more natural products and less typical plastic toys.  Relatively unique components include the practice of “documentation” by edifiers to avail them capture interactions between edifiers and children, few students per edifier (who often stay with the group of children as they age), and a vigorous encouragement of parental participation. 

Waldorf Preschool Education Approach


The Waldorf Approach was founded by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian scientist in the early 1900s.  It is rooted in anthroposophy which is the conception that the universe can be understood by first understanding humanity. In contrast to Montessori and Reggio, there is more preponderant priority given to imaginative and artistic play.  Activities, furthermore, incline to be more edifier driven at first rather than endeavoring to follow the child’s lead.  The environment is built to be homelike and very predictable.  There is withal more preponderant attention paid to the seasons, festivals, and holidays in comparison a Reggio school.

Traditional Preschool Education Approach


While a Traditional Approach is more a catch-all for an immense number of programs not adhering to a designated school of mentally conceived, some generalizations may be opportune.  More classic “academics,” utilizing things such as flashcards, are liable to be introduced than would be present certainly in the other types. In integration, the “thinking” or “planning” chair is liable to be more heavily utilized as a discipline technique.  The environment typically includes more mainstream toy options, and the utilization of technology such as computers and even the occasional movie may be more present in preschools that do not follow a Reggio, Waldorf, or Montessori model.

Choose The Best Preschool
Choose The Best Preschool
Which approach is best?  Conspicuously it depends on the child.  There does subsist some research exhibiting that children from Montessori, Reggio, Waldorf programs do remotely more preponderant than their peers later in school but the results are not uniform and often suffer from confounding quandaries (that is, other factors such as incremented parental involvement that may be driving the perceived differences).  One noted study published in Science Magazine, however, showed positive gains for a Montessori school in an inner-city population. 

Also you can read about tips how to choose Preschool based on Child or Toddler characters.
Tips for Choosing a Preschool for Child and Toddler

Rabu, 06 November 2013

Montessori School Program - Preschool Education

It is time your child entered preschool?. Actually with the large selection of preschool today, do not be surprised if you are confused to choose the right school for your child. But don't worry, you can selectively choose the right one, you can read about the tips here :
Tips for Choosing a Preschool for Child and Toddler
In this article i will explain the Preschool form with Montessori school program. For those who want to find out Who is Montessori and about Homeschooling with Montessori Method you can read it here :
Who is Montessori and What kind of Education it is
Home schooling as Montessori Education Approach

Montessori School Program
Montessori School Program

What is Montessori School Program

Discovered by a child psychologist, Maria Montessori in 1907, Montessori school program emphasizes the importance and connection of all things in life, and everyone needs to find a meaningful job and his own place in the world. In addition to learning how to read, languages, and math, the children also learn about other cultures, about animals, and plants.

Montessori School Program Curriculum

Montessori school program curriculum focuses on five areas :
  1. Practice of lifeChildren are taught various things in everyday life that involves skill and
    Learning new things
    Learning new things
    independence, such as tying shoes, preparing their lunches, go to the toilet without help, and self-cleaning when they spill something .
  2. Sensory awareness education. Here the children are trained to be sensitive to use their five senses.
  3. Arts of languages. Children are encouraged to express themselves verbally. Children also learn reading, spelling, grammar, and writing skills.
  4. Mathematics and geometry. Taught children about numbers, either by hand or with tools.
  5. Culture. Cultural education here include geography, animals, time, history, music, movement, science, and art.

Montessori Activities in Class
Montessori Activities in Class
Here the children learn to do activities or jobs that fit their interests. 'Job' option that they could choose include those such as books, puzzles, art activities, toys that test spatial relationships, and much more. They are given the freedom to do it together in a group, or self-employed.The interaction is more interaction among the children themselves. There is even the possibility of the teachers at the Montessori school program are children of older age, which helps children younger ones learn new skills. That is why in each class usually ranges their children reach the age of 2-3 years. In Montessori schools, children will always be asked if they want to do something, if they need help, or if they do not feel ready.Montessori school program is suitable for children who want to directly study the environment that fits their needs. Montessori school programs encourage children to be more independent. Children with special needs are also suited to Montessori schools, especially those who have problems with attention deficit disorder ( ADD ) or other psychological problems or learning. This is because each teacher holding each child individually.

Tips for Choosing a Preschool for Child and Toddler

Now days so many types of Preschool exist, its so diverse. Confused to choose? No need! Get to know your child, think and discuss together. Then select as needed, the one that suited the character and interests of your children.

Not just part of it, no need to follow others. Parents of today is certainly more ingenious. Of the many options that are now available, with the consideration of distance, language of instruction and teaching methods, the characteristics of the child is also not negligible
In Preschool let play, learn, and grow together
In Preschool let play, learn, and grow together
Now there is a lot that can be selected, including:

Characteristics of Children
Type of Preschool
Active-creative toddlers
Preschool that offer  a teacher and its education approach with a strong creative and artistic activities
Active toddlers who need a challenge
Preschool that offer children and toddler that can channel their needs to try out the limits of physical capacity with room to move freely
Toddler "researcher wanna be" who always wanted to know
Preschool that offer a lot of experimentation, science, outer space adventure activities.
Active toddlers who need discipline and order
Preschool that offer a strong religious and scholastic activities could be an option
Active toddlers who need insight into a pluralistic and global
Bilingual preschool
Toddlers are very active play and need to exercise self help
Preschool play is thick with concepts and terms "training" activities of daily living
Are you ready to find Preschool that suited your child and toddler? For sure! Especially after knowing and realizing the uniqueness of your child. 

Also read about Lap Booking as one of Preschool activities, Homeschooling as Montessori Education approaches and of course games that suited preschoolers like child and toddler.

Senin, 04 November 2013

Free Preschool Disney Games for Kids and Toddler Education

Free preschool games are a great way to keep your preschooler regaled and edify them paramount skills concurrently.

Now days computer and internet become our daily routines, not only for teenagers or adult, kids and toddler too have their own preschool games, that can develope their mind and knowledge. Of course this kind for preschool activities must be selected by parents. We just want the positive things for our kids and toddler. 
Preschool Games for Kids and Toddler
Preschool Games for Kids and Toddler
Many of these free Disney games teach preschoolers or kids and toddler the alphabet, counting, memorization and many more academic and life skills. Not only are many of them broadening kids and toddler knowledge or very educational, they're actually have a lot of fun and joy.




Disney Preschool Games

Here of Disney preschool games and other site for kids and Toddler Education :
 Disney Preschool Games
Disney Preschool Games
The Disney website has an abundance of great free games that are just for preschoolers! There are games that feature Handy Manny, Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Lightening McQueen and more of your child's favorite Disney characters.

There are some edifying games here but most of them lean towards being just for fun.

2.  Kol Jr.

Kol Jr Preschool Games
Kol Jr Preschool Games
KOL Jr. has a great cull of free preschool games that edify children their numbers, shapes, colors and letters. Besides inculcative games, they additionally have quite a few fun games that feature Hello Kitty and Cabbage Patch Kids.

These games are colorful and will be so much fun for your preschooler to play.

Disney Play House Preschool Games
Disney Play House Preschool Games
The Disney website has a plethora of great free games that are just for preschoolers! There are games that feature Handy Manny, Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Lightening McQueen and more of your child's favorite Disney characters.

There are some inculcative games here but most of them lean towards being just for fun.

Funschool Preschool Games
Funschool Preschool Games
Funschool has more than 50 free preschool games available! There's a great commix of edifying games as well as games that will just let your preschooler have some fun. You'll find coloring, letter, racing, matching, numbers and shape games.

The free preschool games at Funschool include games for toddlers as well as kindergarteners so you may need to weed through them to optically discern which games are a good match for the age of your child.

Ficer-Price Preschool Games
Fisher-Price Preschool Games
You'll find a ton of frolic games at Fisher-Price. There are makeover, counting, phonics, dinosaur, little people, rescue heroes and viewmaster games just to count a few. You'll withal find a wide cull of coloring pages you can print and then give to your child to color.

There are a few edifying games here but most of the games are just for fun.

You'll additionally find a good cull of infant and toddler games on the Fisher-Price website.


Lap Booking a Preschool Activity for Toddler and Kids

What is a Lap Book?

A lap book customarily consists of a paperboard folder such as a file folder with diminutive pieces of folded paper glued inside. These folded papers may contain facts, diagrams, illustrations, etc. cognate to the subject. Lap books can be habituated for any subject and grade level. Edifiers and parents who utilize lap books with students verbally express that they enhance ingeniousness and critical cerebrating while integrating subjects such as science, language, history, geography, and mathematics, depending on the subject of the lap book. 
Lap Book
Lap Book

How Lap Booking Works?

As we mention above that Lap book is a paperboard or some briefcase made from paper that contains many things including facts, diagrams, illustrations, or photographs. If we think mostly kids or toddler like toys, maybe this activities, Lap booking can be an alternatives to teach them a particular values about anythings in positive manner that can make up their mind in at their young ages. 

Lap booking is actually very fun and enjoyable activity. More than that, kids and toddler can gain more knowledge and perspective about something.

Actually this creative process can be practiced not just for kids and toddler but for all ages.

Here is some of the illustrations about lap book and the creative works within.

Leonardo Lap Book
Leonardo Lap Book

Ramadhan Lap Book
Ramadhan Lap Book

Ancient Rome Lap Book
Anciet Rome Lap Book

For free templates and step by step how to build Lap Book you can visit here

Jumat, 01 November 2013

Montessori Quotes | Love and Peace

“The Child who has felt a strong love for his surroundings and for all living creatures, who has discovered joy and enthusiasm in work, gives us reason to hope...hope for peace in the future.”
“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”

Dr. Maria Montessori
Dr. Maria Montessori

Who Is Montesorri and What Kind of Education is it?

In recent days, I was often heard about Montessori. Many parents and me my self wondering of what kind of this Montessori method, and after then I'm started digging the information. What is this Montessori education, how it works, what is the logic behind it ?.

As many mothers want to teach positive value for their children, I'm start to learning this Montessori Method,  and of course I did not want to make mistakes while explain it to my children. The first impression while digging the information about this Montesorri Education is I'm very happy that I find some method that can teach our children exactly how the discipline of positive thinking and other positive values can become character building for child in early learning stage.

As a result of my research I have collected information about Montessori, and I wanted to share this article to you all. Before the continuation of my post I also would like to mention that I have read so many blog sites that I have visited and liked it so much, and I thought I saved the underlying data. Instead of doing your own research, I offer you my comments on whether additional. I hope you liked and mothers like me can apply this Montessori Method. 

Who is Montessori

Actually Montessori is a person name. Maria Montessori is a last name of an Italian Lady, she is a Professor that has developed an educational "philosophy" is known as the Montessori Educational System.
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori

When I read books about Montessori, Montessori in person actually have tragic life story. Maria Montessori, born in 1870 in Italy Europe, in the darkest period of his life living in Italy and as a women that excluded from education at that time, but whether all of these exclusionary attitudes she persist to continue to get the an education. She is the first pedagogue female doctor in Italy. After that she continue her education in Roma until she got the Professor title in the medicine faculty of the University of Rome. At that time she help a large number of poor children without getting money, and while treating all children, she recognized the as the women for amazing potential.
The first children's home in Rome established in 1907, the appropriate size of the home is actually small and main activity at that time some children are built bowls. She's brought in by the hands of knives, carpenters built a small sized desk chairs. Children by identifying their areas of work given to them mats suitable for children Montessori environment, etc. and by observing them laid the foundation stone of an education system occurred. Maria Montessori, talk about the stages of children's development. Very sensitive to the child's learning at every stage and there are a sensitive periods. In this period, children must be thought that the natural learning requirements of the external factors without being forced to learn.

How Montesorri System Works

Today, Montessori has gained a worldwide reputation and trust. Montessori mother managed to attract the attention of all walks of life, all the energy spent to promote their own schools, and even in this cause left the profession of medicine. Worked tirelessly on behalf of children's intellectual evaluation of their potential .

Thanks to its methods of self-confidence at the mothers, self-confident, responsible to educate a generation the positive values.
Montessori Methods for Children and Toddler
Montessori Methods for Children and Toddler

This system is for parents and children to respect the personality of each child as an individual with its own development and teaches them how they can learn according to their capacity. This system is for children to develop independent behaviors and thoughts, and most importantly, able to see the daily activities on their own to increase their self-confidence and self-respect. Montessori trained within a child, a sense of responsibility, love of learning, practical intelligence and enhanced with an independent personality, a character that is garnering the admiration of everyone. The correct application of Montessori training classes are taught at home, but this does not mean that can be used in the other environment. Providing a pleasant environment for children and something needs to be done on a regular basis to ensure that play to work freely, so that you can see the children develop self-confidence incredibly. Montessori system arrangement and layout encourages children to be disciplined and independent.

Parents must remove the following protection shields now, let our kids doing their favor by keeping it under control, to be protected actually can interfere with the development of the personal or their skills. If we just put the fish in front of our child, that child will never learn to fish. First, teach him to fish, you need to encourage them. Montessori philosophy lies at the heart of the word may we are become can become good parents