Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

Home Schooling an Montessori Education Approach

Montessori is method of education for improving individual skills and interests within the child, in accordance with specifications of individual learning pace and character is basically explain in pedagogy theory. Montessori training focuses on the formation of personality.
Montessory toys for child and toddler, Home Schooling, Montessori Education
Montessory toys for child and toddler

Maria Montessori, it is clearly stated as follows : "The method of education, merely should be considered in the human personality and education thought to the child must ensure a strong character building". Balance sense of physical and mental hygiene is actually needed.
In this case, the task of adults in the child's ability and awaken them to the secret power of the method development process must be supported. For Montessori methods it should give the freedom for the kids or toddlers when they want to do something, they can choose the toys, the condition or even the place they want to try some activities. Montessori method thus extracted , to develop a self- motion around the child and a prepackaged freedom of activity aimed at recognizing , self-forming and developing a method and system approach.

That is exactly the point of home schooling, when child or toddlers want to do something, let them choose, and make their playing and let them to try to adapt new values for their character building.

Doing play games for fun and positive values gain!

10 komentar:

  1. Blog baru ya gan ??
    ditunggu komentar baliknya ya disini ==>> DAFTAR HARGA SAMSUNG TERBARU 2013

    1. iya gan...seandainya ada blog agan yang se tema lebih bagus.

  2. makasi Gan Infonya Comback ya

  3. Terima kasih infonya, keren dan sangat bermanfaat,salam blogger

  4. Artikel manarik, tertama untuk ibu ibu yg punnya anak,
    singkat padat jelas <-- yg di sukai pengunjung (Y)

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. untuk calon ibu dan calon ayah juga bisa gan...

    Amazing Tribes
